Sunday, January 22, 2012

Seth Godin, Magdalen Sobkowiak speak louder

Many of the world's supporters for busy Google and other support are powering up with against many foes trying to block information to the Internet.

Right now, Blog Traffic Exchange, led by Magda, wants to see more ads poured all over blogs, and all kinds of needed support from schools, colleges, computers, phonies and vehicles are where they should be seen!

Seth has been writing about the world. Thousands of Intenet supporters are joining, and huge products are snowballing!

And, in some of the latest writing for Gerald Carroll News Report, a fifth block has been invited by Google, and a black-style space history is being started, because Tge current space station and at least the Russian rockets to space are there.

The United States shut off it's shuttles, and tha was simply wrong. Those spacecraft flyers were amazing, and yes two did crash and 14 lives lost by astronauts, but those for years and years, and the shuttle kept rocketing to the space, and swooping back to land, in a successful number of hundreds of launches.

Even the Russian are not giving up. Maybe it is stil to ge the U.S. into space again!

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