Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bruce Roberts: Returns Kennedy, Onassis in 'Seek'

As a little significant individuals lived in the 1960s and 1970s, and recorded very important aspects about how people in the world lived. Bruce Roberts did this and it was researched in "Project Seek" printed eary from 1994, and through the 1970s.

Other writers, magazines and photographers collected Roberts. It was very interesting that some of these copies by Roberts were cut apart, spread around carelessly and after a while, dumped on a trash, and not checked in detail.

Yes, the United States has to take oil and drugs from ships mostly supplied the Greeks. Some leaders were killed, in the United States and other countries.

Roberts and other individuals closely to some of the violent events. Vietnam was starting, President Kennedy was shot, his brother Robert Kennedy was also shot and Dr. Martin Luther King was also shot. These horrific deaths in the 1960s and the rise of Vietnam was never stopped by leaders.

Now, though, in 2012, the brutal violence of leaders have yet to show. Greece, was shipyard presence, now cannot spend any more of money for its workers. Vietman is another vacation with great golf courses. United States have already taken care of nations like Iran and Afghanistan, and pretty much stopped any more wars.

However, the Roberts thinking, and many officials 50 years ago, terrible nations were existing. Now, that us is stopping. However, also money that spend military is shrinking. Children just are not looking at schools they need to look. Parents need to watch out for spending everything on yet another phone, but they need to pay attention to these kids.

Will a look at this book, "Project Seek," with hundreds of documented stories as important people in the old days, but how many smart leaders, such President Obama, are slowly changing the whole world.

Check and see the world made with airplanes, oil, cities and ships. Things that was wrong needed corrected. As easy it is to communicate, with iPads and phones, needs to spread out better, and get schools, colleges, shopping and travel extended, and money created!

When Bruce Roberts went off out of normal explaining his own seates, few did. Now, everbody is hunting! Blogs, books, music and sports is expanding! Time to change the schools, children and adults who can stop getting down and out, but get running and make it back!

If the starts, cars, trucks and homes will pile on! Life will return!

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