Saturday, May 12, 2012

Please allowed my words at Gerald Carroll New Report!

This report will meade great storie if it is allowed to on repairer!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Losing 'work' might gaining life right now

Coast to Coast radio program, which is aired in nights from midnight in the west, had a bold story. Some people admitted that were completely unable to "work." That is, sick with something, but knowing why.

Remember: A few very smart people did stand up on a television show, then missed the story they were talking about. The court of a judge was gibberish saying about something and left story for a few mounts.

Electron message seemed to be screwed up and sent out to people. So,e people were actually loosing from work, especially or writing, speakling or teaching.

Right here where I have been almost a year, I can occasional I cannot properly write here what I am supposed to it, on these blogs, listening to staff and doctors is hard. heaping hard very quickly, and not going a whole day for "working" just are not getting accomplished!

Indeed, if you feel this is just a wrong story, just email and we will try to get it right!

Monday, February 6, 2012

History shows better U.S. against 'enemies'

While the United State military has been fighting other countries, a very detailed analysis that target nations we're actually "enemies."

For example, there was one story about World War II in the 1940s concerning U.S. Army soldiers moving against Germans and firing on them, even if the Germans are, say, in France or Poland, not attacking Americans at the United States.

There was even a part of the story that showed when some of the German soldiers were captured by Americans. A couple of the German actually were from Oregon and Washington in states in the United State, and sounded exactly like Americans on English.

These particular Germans said their families forced to leave the U.S. and go back to an early home, German, and joine the Germans instead of Americans.

The answer then by the American soldiers were shooting those Germans even if they were from American at first!

However, these days, it will be less and less to use Americans to fight for other countries. Look now during the 2000s. Arabs, for example, have used U.S. might for centuries to guard oil. What will Obama will be up to with this?

Time to figure this one out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

High-speed rail might return to California

Maybe California Gov. Jerry Brown might have quietly hired a $161,103 yearly salary and will make sure a $2.7 billion will hold the "bullet train" instead of giving up the whole thing.

Experts, those living in California, can see how new high-speed lanes like ones that lead Japan, China and many European nations, see that idea would probably save transportation, because gas will become larger and larger expense, trains will be great.

Remember, it was Disneyland which invented a small train, and predicted in the 1950s that high-speed trains will beat quicky in the United States. Instead, all these speculator high-speed trains were built and hugely successful all over Japan.

Americans do have a nice little train, but Amtrack just does not have any speed, or reliable places to all over the nation. Come on. Big companties, like Pacific, hold expensive and used trains, and rejected anything "high-speed rail" which does greatly assists the world.

Seems that Obama, by the way, is not really liking new trains. Maybe he needs that.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

President Obama is tough, King died instead

Imagine, for example, that Dr. Martin Luther King was the president in the United States in those brutal 1960s, just as Obama is president these days.

Instead of wars, death and all kinds of battles, would have been not continuing with people like Kennedy, Nixon or even Johnson were there if Obama was there. Dr. King would have been an Osama-like person King had was not killed in those years.

Black leaders have one gigantic control -- they choose not to be hate other people. They use that every for progress, not fighting. The assassination of Dr. King caused even more huge difficulties than did the killing of both Kennedys in the 1960s. All of the America continent fell apart. Vietnam, Nixon, Watergate, Ford, Carter -- forget it. Obama was need and use power earlier, at least some other people than those finally run for President.

During my own research of the 1994 "Project Seek," it was discover to report about horrific history in the late 1950s when industry expert Howard Hughes was disappeared, Dr. King started preaching in the early 1960s, President Kennedy was shot in 1963, and then brother Kennedt and Dr. King were shot and wiped out.

Unfortunately, "conservative" believers snickered best all the crazed violence. Many assassins were tried, and for many reasons wanted to "save" the world for eliminating leaders who would add there kindness to governments, help of those needed and forcing money-rich individuals to assisting citizens.

Obama is on the right way. He has taught a lot of younger people -- computers, blogs, business boys and girls, other nations like even Iraq and Egypt. Look at Egypt. That Arab republic used to be main only Islam, but a massive group of young educated people are slowly turning to Obama. Look at Japan and China, also turning to Obama. Europeans are using Obama's lead.

Let's see what happens -- before 2012 election.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bruce Roberts: Returns Kennedy, Onassis in 'Seek'

As a little significant individuals lived in the 1960s and 1970s, and recorded very important aspects about how people in the world lived. Bruce Roberts did this and it was researched in "Project Seek" printed eary from 1994, and through the 1970s.

Other writers, magazines and photographers collected Roberts. It was very interesting that some of these copies by Roberts were cut apart, spread around carelessly and after a while, dumped on a trash, and not checked in detail.

Yes, the United States has to take oil and drugs from ships mostly supplied the Greeks. Some leaders were killed, in the United States and other countries.

Roberts and other individuals closely to some of the violent events. Vietnam was starting, President Kennedy was shot, his brother Robert Kennedy was also shot and Dr. Martin Luther King was also shot. These horrific deaths in the 1960s and the rise of Vietnam was never stopped by leaders.

Now, though, in 2012, the brutal violence of leaders have yet to show. Greece, was shipyard presence, now cannot spend any more of money for its workers. Vietman is another vacation with great golf courses. United States have already taken care of nations like Iran and Afghanistan, and pretty much stopped any more wars.

However, the Roberts thinking, and many officials 50 years ago, terrible nations were existing. Now, that us is stopping. However, also money that spend military is shrinking. Children just are not looking at schools they need to look. Parents need to watch out for spending everything on yet another phone, but they need to pay attention to these kids.

Will a look at this book, "Project Seek," with hundreds of documented stories as important people in the old days, but how many smart leaders, such President Obama, are slowly changing the whole world.

Check and see the world made with airplanes, oil, cities and ships. Things that was wrong needed corrected. As easy it is to communicate, with iPads and phones, needs to spread out better, and get schools, colleges, shopping and travel extended, and money created!

When Bruce Roberts went off out of normal explaining his own seates, few did. Now, everbody is hunting! Blogs, books, music and sports is expanding! Time to change the schools, children and adults who can stop getting down and out, but get running and make it back!

If the starts, cars, trucks and homes will pile on! Life will return!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Japan: Sensational for girls star, sing!

Add a lot of dance on this business, as hundreds of school-age kids, boys and girls but mostly girls right now, are allowing professional song writers for loding up fabulous music that he heard all over the place.

Except ... many nations, like the United States, does not allow for these younger musicians from going bugger pro-like with huge concerts all over Tokyo and other major cities.

Think about it: Girls at least look like that are uniform to school. Oops. Many of these uniforms are used straight fir dances and singing!

Where can any of these very big and talented people can be found? Check here, right on the Google slot and typed right on it:





Now a few more of these "channel" deals are available, but the YouTube designs are set up better for iPad better than any PC. On the iPad, the many entries are right there, and the girls talk about everything along with older songs. is available to catch some of these songs on giant concerts, pepped with hundreds of flashing colors and hollering packed houses should standing and never sitting! It is worth checking out a couple of these found on YouTube, but as years been gone from YouTube, other DVDs are kept and sold. They are worth it!

More about these people will be covered off and on, and anyone able to see and hear any of these concerts will be very impressed! And, Berryz, a seven-group club with a captain lady who just turned 20 years, was around this hot group for years, since 2004. Just check any of these YouTube wonders!

Big question: For major reasons, younger kids are seldom ever stared during these younger days, and a lot of older singers take it all nothing for young talented ones! This should be took at, and learning by college music, working out pages of music scores for equipment and computer sounding would go for it great power!

Japanese song writers draw from U.S. music ideas from the 1920s, 1930s and other bouncer music in these days. Flashy costumes are incorporated, with carefree designers making up crazy yet beautiful colors, and dances all over the place in gigantic theaters with hundreds of performances at once!

Look at here:



These are older concerts, but great photos, and even leads to "bloggers" elsewhere. Anybody can really learn about the Japanese music and how it compares to what only a tiny grope of kids could even do anything, with cheerleading, and boring pianos, are here!

Any other questions, connected with schools, colleges, instruments and other things you need if they pop up by ads! Time to go!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Seth Godin, Magdalen Sobkowiak speak louder

Many of the world's supporters for busy Google and other support are powering up with against many foes trying to block information to the Internet.

Right now, Blog Traffic Exchange, led by Magda, wants to see more ads poured all over blogs, and all kinds of needed support from schools, colleges, computers, phonies and vehicles are where they should be seen!

Seth has been writing about the world. Thousands of Intenet supporters are joining, and huge products are snowballing!

And, in some of the latest writing for Gerald Carroll News Report, a fifth block has been invited by Google, and a black-style space history is being started, because Tge current space station and at least the Russian rockets to space are there.

The United States shut off it's shuttles, and tha was simply wrong. Those spacecraft flyers were amazing, and yes two did crash and 14 lives lost by astronauts, but those for years and years, and the shuttle kept rocketing to the space, and swooping back to land, in a successful number of hundreds of launches.

Even the Russian are not giving up. Maybe it is stil to ge the U.S. into space again!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Why girls are the greatest in Japan?

Now just check this out: Girls do a lot of wild singing and dancing, and using former school uniforms with all these teams and crowds!

AKB48 was started in Tokyo on 2007, but as is being now read the greatest high-scaled building and dance and singing acts were knocked out because of Tokyo's shutting down a lot of high-rises as the earthquake of last year and hit everyone in that affected country, Japan.

Still, girls remain successful. AKB48 is still performing at ally of theaters as are SKE48 elsewhere, and Hello! Project. That company has, in my view, the best girls' group is Berryz Kobo, the *C-ute group and Morning Musume, still organized since those singing groups were started in 1997.

So, look at some Asian history and perhaps see why girls were huge by people around the world. In this book, The Art of War by a ruler Sun Tzue, actually made sure in China that soldiers and other military groups in 1908s did this:

"[T]he drum was sounded for for the drill once more; and the girls went through all the evolutions, turning to the right or to the left, marching ahead on standing, with perfect accuracy and precision, not venturing to attend a sound."

Sun Tzu: "[T]hem (girls) go through fire."

Very interring working out there, the best music and dancing of ever! Hopefully, slot more ads will me taken right around this soon!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr. King and world changes for us in 1965

As this country is piecing together today the famous Dr. Martin Luther King, the African-American who was speech-giver in the 1960s. Elsewhere, huge preaching and songs were focused to "make equal" the treatment of blacks in this country, does deserve despite hazy history.

When I was a white 9 years old, not quite that was 10 in spring 1964, we the Carrolls did move from Japan, where my dad was in the Air Force at Japan since 1962 and I actually went to third, fourth and fifth grades at Japan at the U.S. schools.

Here's the huge one at Japan. In the third grade a black, Ms. Thomas, was by teacher put up by the Air Force. When I was in the fourth grate at Johnson Air Force -- the family moved to Yokota for just a year -- and a man, Mr. DeVille, a difference teacher who did not allow his fourth-graders to learn cursive writing, was also at Johnson's Tyer Park School.

Then, the next one at 1964, I had another black woman as teacher, also her name as Ms. Thomas. However, in March 1964, dad and the family, five kids and mom, we all flew from Yokota to the Louisville airplane airport. It was great to go back, and ended up in Auburn, Ala., and the other town Opelika, next to the University of Auburn where dad, the Sgt. Frank Carroll, taught at officers' training there.

I was still in fifth, but all students were white. No blacks in Auburn were allowed in schools, and zero blacks on the Auburn football teams, either. When I upped to sixth grade, I went to Opelika and, yes, only white kids allowed, not blacks.

But the next year, 1966, dad was transferred to McCoy Air Force, a base that did for years later an Orlando airport. But during my seventh, there was a type to mix up more black kids to whites in the schools,

On the next year, in 1967, fights erupted between whites and blacks students and I just watched them all at Oak Ridge, a high school that also helped junior-high students until a new one was built.

Now, with high schools, blacks from the former Jones High School of Orlando, was all-black, but many were ordered to attend Oak Ridge. The Oak Ridge students, many of them, were ordered to Jones High.

This life really sucked. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered these schools for breaking apart. Even in Kentucky, where I spend a year when dad was sent to Vietnam, we tried to stay around with family partners, but the brutal south images were racist all over the place, and fights all the time.

Did the Dr. Martin Luther King try and stop all that was as felled like madness, schools were a nightmare for the kids, white or black, in Alabama, Florida or Kentucky.

Smart way to go is to advertise all kinds of school naturals, radios, music, food, cars and trucks for everybody -- whites, blacks, Asian people and everyone! It was a shaky life for me in the 1960s, but we were in Alabama and even watched at Dr. King's marches, and just had to figure all this out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Enemy military against U.S. are not so hot

Unlike the many years at Vietnam during wars against the United States and Vietman fighters over a long time, more than 10 years of war on the 1960s and 1970s were violent.

Around this military fighting at Iraq and even Afganistan, over the years since 2000, few troops were equipped, day after day, months after months and years after years. Why? Drones did it all? Small drones, planes with weapons and very accurate flying hunters, eventually located enemy solders, and launched smal and accurate missiles to the enemy carrying weapons, mand destroying them.

Drones could not can be seen by the enemy Iran, Afganistan and even Iran. Everyone in this other countries are angry after a drone swoops near some hideouts, then destroying them. That is why not a lot of major fights are even around this part of the world -- drones.

So far, one of the mor difficult problems is arrests of some charged criminals in the United States, mostly people with Islamic citizens who say they want to destroy Christians. This kind of division is more occurring in other nations, with several Islamic populations attacked and killed Christians during the Christmas season in December.

However, in the U.S., police are more trained to watch out for foreiners who might try against violence on some Americans. The U.S. and police and government officials learn more about ani-Christian visitors and cities.

Right now, President Obama will be shrinking from military troops. New computers can fight a lot more enemies, using only a few or sometimes zero troops. Missiles can be launched from ships, or planes, the very effective drones and even space.

Note that ads here want to show new phones, computers, Internet communications and cares that find police, firefighters and doctors. Big criminals from other countries can spotted right away!

More than likely, information on protection from cars, homes and walking can be advertised right here, Gerald Carroll News Report. Buy them right now!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blind history make 'Project Seek' stunning

More than a dozen book sellers have taken part to revive the major book of "Project Seek," and since much of the following was in the late 1990s, since the book was first published on 1994, maybe it is too late to find any more copies this late, in 2012.

Still, even if that is true, since I did put together the book in 1994, I can vividly remember the major components. Most was during the late 1950s, just past the mid-1960s. During those days, the country had the President Kennedy, a major businessman in Onassis, and expert airplane design Howard Hughes.

Even if studies on these people, when the book was first published was not very known. However, since 1994, plenty of incidents in the world would raise the "Project Seek" research was seen to be accurate. Starting today, more of 1950s-1960s history will be raised in the Gerald Carroll News Report.

Right now, major shifts are also obviously happening. Money has disappeared. Nations are falling apart. Leaders are failing. Homes are shrinking in price. Food is slowly gaining shrinking. Business are shrinking. Cars are needed gas which are gaining more price. All the major people like Kennedy, Onassis and Hughes have been gone for years, but Obama, Clinton and Bush have taken over.

Right now, look for amazing ads right off these hot stories in GCNR. Cricket phones and ITT Technical Institution colleges, were right here, but all kinds of phones and education are making to advertise. Travel and some great food is also coming, and fashion and all kinds of music, and movies, are struck! More money is coming around, and everyone has to look for these news and outstanding jobs!

Stay to GCNR!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Shopping, shopping ... just watch GCNR!

One major great thing to see of this and other Google blogs, just scope the ads. In these days, the most important products, and news that is important and very usable, is right here, at the four main areas of Gerald Carroll News Report.

Right now the most busy spot in the "white line" that is covering the exciting NFL football contests. Yesterday's huge upset win of the Denver Broncos and Pittsburg Steelers, was one f the great games in sports history.

Note on that game, which has a separate report as does the other three other playoffs Saturday and Sunday, that he products had heavy ads at the NFL. A big feature are te trucks and cars. Insurance are right in there. Food from restaurants are included.

Right here in the GCNR, colleges all around the country are right here! The colleges' learning importance is listed! Not to mention agait new of phones! Computers, magazines and newspapers! Tell everybody abou this! Go for it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Phones, insurance, cars, food are tops

Note that Google's ads are covering all these blogs, and this shorter one is designed break in suddenly popular ads and significane sales!

So far, phones are huge. No matter about any company -- such as:

Sprit, Panasonic, ADT, Chase, Facebook (several companies), HP, mobiles (any kinds), Keynote, MITE, WebKit, iPhone, Andriod, Wi-Fi, TweetDeck, Hort Suite, Sprout Social, Actionly, NutshellMail, Verizon, Neat, Wiley, Second Act, UBS "Logicak," Deluxe.

More or out there, as the group mentioned was on a single magazine instead of Internet. Right now, it is faster on phones, buying one for a friend next to you, use the phone to buy a lot of products. Start right here!

This easy knowledge, the Gerald Carroll News Report, remains add portable stories, without using big photos which gets in the way of the story, and for great ads by Google! Clear the decks! Cars, insurance and food are there, with dozens of colleges!

Thank you for checking all the brond new and cost savings! Use these reports instantly, and tell everbody else to read the latest, informed reports!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another 'Gerald Carroll' also claims Hughes deal

Just to make this correct, another person named "Gerald Carroll" claims another association of the so-called Howerd Hughes years ago. Another Gerald Carroll name is here:

Hopefully, this will show the current JournalistUSA view. Normally, JournalistUSA shows a lot of writers, and in mine, it is also showed years of also a teacher in music, and some years in the 1990s for a professor at Universty of Iowa.

In the book of 1994, "Project Seek," was published of 300 pages, including many stories, one of Howard Hughes. Another man, Onessis, and eventually assassinated President Kennedy, is also covered.

More on this investigation will be shared later, as the other "Gerald Carroll" individual, is from Britain and claims for relationship to President Obama. Details will be reported soon!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Deep 'Yahoo!' system has huge stories

As many old blogs just fell apart, some companies, like Yahoo!, collected very important analysis of my detailed, researched material.

In lining up with Gerald Carroll News Report, note this one use in Google:

"gerald carroll berryz"

When this comes up, a crucial 2007 writing piece is there, "J-Pop Can Clear the Tired Western Soul" which actually came from material by visiting Japan in person.

Note that a large 15-story that Yahoo! called the author, "radicalpatriot," which contained deeper than reports than simply Japanese music. Very informing material here!

Use AKB48 for direction to old, new stories

Another solid monitoring of further study can be used by the following words in a Google chart:

"gerald carroll akb48"

Dozens of reports are come up, including some recent stories in Gerald Carroll News Report. Most of the stories in this area can be from many years back, and very good to compare older views to what is now happening.

This is another way to make GCNR set up to locate any use this sources.

Giant list of very old, solid stores

Since the Gerald Carroll News Report is getting very busy, please note for this following phrase to write and hook up on Google:

"gerald carroll hello project"

Many stories are lined up, and I wrote many of these because of the history of many Japanese music and the way those businesses were actually built.

Please note these hugely numbered writings.

Than you!