Thursday, December 22, 2011

Doctors do greatness to save a life here

Not much good news, it seems, after checking out this doom-sort of story, but recently, doctors come the rescue.

Already did mention that Visalia Hospital in California did save my life with two huge operating heart chest, and I breathe great afterward! However, recently, more doctors paraded over with more extraordinary works!

Just two days ago, a doctor with feet experts walked in with an assistant and clipped the feet, which were needing such corrections. Then, the day after, a person automatically clipping hair did it again! There was more.

Another one significant arrival saw a dentist check things. Now for years, I simply ran out of cash and could not even get simple works done for teeth. Hence, many huge difficulties screwed up. However, this guy said he will call me on this teeth and take several efforts to fix the entire thing! Lord!

Finally, later today, my eyes were checked and use of the current glasses I use. New glasses are coming! Plus, a defective right eye and one bad missing spot there was looked at and hopefully will see correctly.

Note this: None of this was cost me anything. Wow. Seems that California is taking the tab again. So far. Soon, a lot of cash will be found somewhere and now used!

Medicine is also critical. That means feet, and bad hands around there. Doctors have designed huge numbers of pills for this, and slowly, I have been helped. Feet are less painful. Hands are a little less from pain. Maybe the whole thing will heal soon!

Only finance of the Gerald Carroll News Report from other computers or business would be needed to pay off all this cost! Right now, millions of dollars have shown they are needed! Note, though, that Washington has slowed down on Social Security. Many people need everything!

More information, call here:

For information where donated money can offered, write:

That's right. Ads would work!

1 comment:

  1. No joke. My lonely life as a surviving person has blossomed into an amazing life. Yes, it would be great to free. But now, care is there! Great move for Google to use this larger-than-life story, Gerald Carroll News Report, in ads is something to be hold! Time for a miracle! Let's go!
