Friday, December 30, 2011

More treasure for Google, including 'radreview'

Nice this is only small, easy finder:


Plop on that world plain view on the Google spot, and a will show up on the first column!

Significance, older reports on Japanese concerts, and describe important on those singers, many called "Hello! Project" which cough found elsewhere.

Included the small stories I did write are important. Hundreds of stories are right there. And, yes, they would also be great to carry some ads since most of the material us known as famous, and very critical for an American covering the Japanese music.

At least one company, using Bloggerparty, has done some great using by keep important writings. They are also deserve some kind of ads, but give us a little credit, and we will bring in a lint of new readers here!

Go for it!

Business, education, hospitals need this!

First of all, large businesses in Visalia have either moved into the city, or expanded here. Education, including several top of colleges, and the institution of Contra Community College, and regular education, is working. Experts other colleges have moved up here!

Easy to transfer just how business and education is doing? What about huge, excellent hospitals? A little announcement can be done with this, Gerald Carroll News Report. Students will be using their new phones by contacting GCNR, and checking any ads.

Families with kids going to school will also be able to use their phones to contact GCNR. One thing firm satiation is that we will cover new events fast, and helping families in these areas.

Buying things? Note that the three more significant blogs that are gaining larger and larger are pointing out new prices, new products, new phones and even new computers.

House sales needed? Getting your local home seen fast at a quick, easily seen findings? Just check Google. After my brain strole, I try after doctorrs helped greatly! They can advertise! So can hospitals, medical news and care.

Just try any of it! This might be one of the best to world to reach people!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Berryz need explaining for Google deal

OK, what is the casting deal named by Berryz Kobo, a long-time almost 10-year group of seven girls, the top singers from Japan and dancers of the world!

For, just quick this on YouTube, and even better on an iPad glass rather than regular computer. Right here:


Huh? What is that? Write that to Google! It is a sensational treasure of photos, singers and dancers, with all kinds of costumes. Great songs, super crazy stories!

You can even grade with a faster YouTube grabber, using a button for the quicker copies, and running everything a little less clear, but still very entertainment with less waiting!

Captain Saki Shimizu, the smaller one in the group, but far better of dancer than anyone, and doing very well be going to 20 years old in November. All the other seven kids are younger. However, the younger one Risako Sugaya, is a fabulous voice, as is Momoko Tsugunaga.

Everybody else is great!

Huge amount of stories can be found in, or radicalpatriot.typepad also has a lot. Occasionally, Google might even have ads, and just a few days I was able to my old logs back and added comments!

Just check this one, and smile!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Google places ads on radicalpatriot.typepad!

Great! The really huge Radicalpatriot stories, whereI worked back in 2007 when all stores were in Vox which was all moved to Typepad, again has some excellent ads, a few from Google!

Actually, there would be better more places for ads, as hundreds of words and color photos are all over the place! Since these articles are rare, they are even more attractive! As soon as more Japanese-music fans find out about this Radicalpatriot news, much more readers will arrive!

Simply going to "" will catch all the big stories. News are valuable! Note at the beginning, where a long national chart is there, showing how many thousands of readers stopped from many countries, hundreds of new foreigners. They get on especially from United States, Japan, Britain and many others over the world.

Hopefully, Google will add even more ads all over the Radicalpatriot site. Many more readers will show! Keep on this hotter as people can!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Schools: Not working well for some young students

Just after a 30-years experience as a reporter for newspapers and magazines, I did try more than 10 years as a teacher, most on music. This was all during the 1990s and until 2006. Schooling later included different teaching at the University of Iowa for journalism, for monthly students in their juniors classes.

The world of teaching was confusing.

Parents always complained about classes, not wanting what type of the children what they are learning, if anything. Schools, especially of some at larger cities in movies, were useless schools. The teachers bailed out quickly after starting. Principals were destroyed by students, those invading parents and occasional even by police. Teachers were arrested for sexually getting involved with some older children.

At college, it was like a storm all over the time. At the many scripted movies about screwed-up schools, in which violence and fights are written by screenplays, spread out Hollywood.

During a music teacher at younger students, I was trying to teach kids to play instruments. Interestingly, instruments were all interesting, but the modern use of phones by children, especially at teenagers, wreck everything. Phones dominate all students, and teachers' working on students was wasted.

In music, huge hours are spent after schools, for concerts, all manner of performing, and in high school almost professtional music is right there! Teachers in music did so much work that was off from classes, it was tecnically wrong to do it, suck up all time, and over battles weekend band lessons and performing were dominated and sometimes destructive on physical and mental energy.

Music became difficult because too much spend too much time at school.

Teaching does attract professionals, but even the best of these get worn off fast. Music can destroy the teachers, and anger both students and their pairents. It is time to make sure about teaching at schools, how much they are heavily studied.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Back from $15, $30, $100 reaching GCNR!

Donated support started small and are gaining! The biggest needs to come here: using email, or 1-623-414-0392 for access to major bank. I am still trying to resolve injuries over the brain-stroke incident, and pain still on hands and feet. Right now, only staying on a rest-home words, but leaving is just not possible.

Still, I can research and write major stories by using computers and other reports. At least the stores, on the Gerald Carroll News Report, is found easily with using that name. Facebook is also right there. Efforts to link at Huggington writings and blogs are ALS there, and soon I would be able to gain assistant from Google!

Huge news need to be extended. Presidency in upcoming 2012 needs to looked at very carefully. President Obama, in my report, is way ahead. Nobody else has a chance. Not real positive people will run against Obama.

Money is a completely disaster. The United States is doing all kinds of sneaking around to invent cash, but change ways to keep money away from when needed. Big-industries like phones, medicine, food and transportation.

Hey, guess what! We, at Gerald Carroll News Report, will draw up cash, spend it and put the economy on fire! Just call us:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Doctors do greatness to save a life here

Not much good news, it seems, after checking out this doom-sort of story, but recently, doctors come the rescue.

Already did mention that Visalia Hospital in California did save my life with two huge operating heart chest, and I breathe great afterward! However, recently, more doctors paraded over with more extraordinary works!

Just two days ago, a doctor with feet experts walked in with an assistant and clipped the feet, which were needing such corrections. Then, the day after, a person automatically clipping hair did it again! There was more.

Another one significant arrival saw a dentist check things. Now for years, I simply ran out of cash and could not even get simple works done for teeth. Hence, many huge difficulties screwed up. However, this guy said he will call me on this teeth and take several efforts to fix the entire thing! Lord!

Finally, later today, my eyes were checked and use of the current glasses I use. New glasses are coming! Plus, a defective right eye and one bad missing spot there was looked at and hopefully will see correctly.

Note this: None of this was cost me anything. Wow. Seems that California is taking the tab again. So far. Soon, a lot of cash will be found somewhere and now used!

Medicine is also critical. That means feet, and bad hands around there. Doctors have designed huge numbers of pills for this, and slowly, I have been helped. Feet are less painful. Hands are a little less from pain. Maybe the whole thing will heal soon!

Only finance of the Gerald Carroll News Report from other computers or business would be needed to pay off all this cost! Right now, millions of dollars have shown they are needed! Note, though, that Washington has slowed down on Social Security. Many people need everything!

More information, call here:

For information where donated money can offered, write:

That's right. Ads would work!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Iraq: What does all this compare to Vietnam?

So far, the overall retreat of Iraq are years a making, and apparently not much done to helping that country. What will come around?

Just remember Vietnam back in the late 1960s and 1970s. What was anything really accomplished? Strange, the United States troops pretty much all they were ordered to do -- they defeated the enemy, at many places and with a lot of purpose.

Vietnam, though, become a huge main event of a nation, as those Vietnamese citizens kept figure out to turn against the Americans. Remember, the North Vietnam nation had a lot of weaponry for them from Russia and the Chinese.

Intrigue was different in Iraq. The United States had already been attacked in New York and Washington, way back in years ago, and frankly Iraq was not really attempting that, rather than more Arabs and others. The war with Iraq really never accomplished what was even needed!

Now? Watch out that Iran doesn't using it's muscle. And the United States might be needed later. Who knows?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Repeat: Blocked report back after Thursday!

Holy cow! Gerald Carroll News Report is back! Please, any experts at Google would be great to announce any help my brain stroke and a big healing with feet and hands that are not painful so far! Remember, Gloogle officials stated that $40 million is left over on holiday funding. Please, help us! Inform please here:

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and other holidays!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Third a charm for GCNR more space!

Indeed, it remains Gerald Carroll News Report, just now three blogs! Why? Because more readers will want to read many more stories, and, hopefully, go for more ads!

Essentially, three big GCNR products will use a third for a huge name called "geraldcarrollyankeeotaku" which honors the old Mainly because Facebook individuals use that to check out GCNR, it means more use by phones!

Of course, we need income from this growing name, Gerald Carroll News Report, like Huffington, for example, was sold between $1 million and $315 million as ads were shot up by professionals.

That means that GCNR needs professionals sell and locate ads. Please for Google to purchase the growing name, GCNR, for $5 million, offered to CEO at and email here as well,!