Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Losing 'work' might gaining life right now

Coast to Coast radio program, which is aired in nights from midnight in the west, had a bold story. Some people admitted that were completely unable to "work." That is, sick with something, but knowing why.

Remember: A few very smart people did stand up on a television show, then missed the story they were talking about. The court of a judge was gibberish saying about something and left story for a few mounts.

Electron message seemed to be screwed up and sent out to people. So,e people were actually loosing from work, especially or writing, speakling or teaching.

Right here where I have been almost a year, I can occasional I cannot properly write here what I am supposed to it, on these blogs, listening to staff and doctors is hard. heaping hard very quickly, and not going a whole day for "working" just are not getting accomplished!

Indeed, if you feel this is just a wrong story, just email and we will try to get it right!


Monday, February 6, 2012

History shows better U.S. against 'enemies'

While the United State military has been fighting other countries, a very detailed analysis that target nations we're actually "enemies."

For example, there was one story about World War II in the 1940s concerning U.S. Army soldiers moving against Germans and firing on them, even if the Germans are, say, in France or Poland, not attacking Americans at the United States.

There was even a part of the story that showed when some of the German soldiers were captured by Americans. A couple of the German actually were from Oregon and Washington in states in the United State, and sounded exactly like Americans on English.

These particular Germans said their families forced to leave the U.S. and go back to an early home, German, and joine the Germans instead of Americans.

The answer then by the American soldiers were shooting those Germans even if they were from American at first!

However, these days, it will be less and less to use Americans to fight for other countries. Look now during the 2000s. Arabs, for example, have used U.S. might for centuries to guard oil. What will Obama will be up to with this?

Time to figure this one out.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

High-speed rail might return to California

Maybe California Gov. Jerry Brown might have quietly hired a $161,103 yearly salary and will make sure a $2.7 billion will hold the "bullet train" instead of giving up the whole thing.

Experts, those living in California, can see how new high-speed lanes like ones that lead Japan, China and many European nations, see that idea would probably save transportation, because gas will become larger and larger expense, trains will be great.

Remember, it was Disneyland which invented a small train, and predicted in the 1950s that high-speed trains will beat quicky in the United States. Instead, all these speculator high-speed trains were built and hugely successful all over Japan.

Americans do have a nice little train, but Amtrack just does not have any speed, or reliable places to all over the nation. Come on. Big companties, like Pacific, hold expensive and used trains, and rejected anything "high-speed rail" which does greatly assists the world.

Seems that Obama, by the way, is not really liking new trains. Maybe he needs that.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

President Obama is tough, King died instead

Imagine, for example, that Dr. Martin Luther King was the president in the United States in those brutal 1960s, just as Obama is president these days.

Instead of wars, death and all kinds of battles, would have been not continuing with people like Kennedy, Nixon or even Johnson were there if Obama was there. Dr. King would have been an Osama-like person King had was not killed in those years.

Black leaders have one gigantic control -- they choose not to be hate other people. They use that every for progress, not fighting. The assassination of Dr. King caused even more huge difficulties than did the killing of both Kennedys in the 1960s. All of the America continent fell apart. Vietnam, Nixon, Watergate, Ford, Carter -- forget it. Obama was need and use power earlier, at least some other people than those finally run for President.

During my own research of the 1994 "Project Seek," it was discover to report about horrific history in the late 1950s when industry expert Howard Hughes was disappeared, Dr. King started preaching in the early 1960s, President Kennedy was shot in 1963, and then brother Kennedt and Dr. King were shot and wiped out.

Unfortunately, "conservative" believers snickered best all the crazed violence. Many assassins were tried, and for many reasons wanted to "save" the world for eliminating leaders who would add there kindness to governments, help of those needed and forcing money-rich individuals to assisting citizens.

Obama is on the right way. He has taught a lot of younger people -- computers, blogs, business boys and girls, other nations like even Iraq and Egypt. Look at Egypt. That Arab republic used to be main only Islam, but a massive group of young educated people are slowly turning to Obama. Look at Japan and China, also turning to Obama. Europeans are using Obama's lead.

Let's see what happens -- before 2012 election.
